Franca Giuliani - Many times a client will call me for a consultation because they feel stuck. They may be uncertain as to what to do next, or they just may not have any sense of motivation. And in most cases, it's very obvious to “see” this “feeling” in their home space. Whatever is happening within us usually shows up in our environment one way or another. We just may not see it.
As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another, this is a good time to address our "stuckness." Yes, we may be very busy now with the holidays, so we may be distracted as to what's really going on with us. Mark my words, however; once the last gift has been opened, once the last bite has been taken at the last holiday meal, if you have stuckness now, you'll still have stuckness when the last jingle bell sound fades away.
So before you even think about your New Year’s resolutions, I encourage you toacknowledge your existing situation. You may not understand it. You maybe not know exactly what's wrong or what to do about it. That’s okay. Just acknowledge how you feel. Then, cast positive words into your future. Again, don’t even think about how you're going to make it better. Just try to realize something that isn’t working for you anymore, and think of positive affirmations. For instance, if you worry too much, you may want to affirm, “I worry no more. I graciously accept the challenge.” Another example: “I'm bored. I shall not be bored anymore.” This just helps you acknowledge something that maybe you've not been addressing. Before you can start making changes, you first need to see that a change is necessary. Then you can start working on what to do about it.
May I make another suggestion? A new moon will occur on Thursday, December 13, and it's the last one for 2012. Whenever there's a new moon, it's always a good time to
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