Franca Giuliani - I said last month that I would talk about the color Red for January … so here it is! With all the New Year festivities, the color Red has been used a lot. But, have we ever really thought about its meaning?
The Chinese associate Red with auspiciousness and good luck. (And, just to note: their New Year has not arrived until January 23, the start of the Lunar New Year.) Red sends a message of happiness, strength, and warmth. It's fire. It's fame. It's an honor to walk on the Red carpet. To celebrate, people will “paint the town Red."

As the color of blood, Red also represents the flow of life in our bodies. Red is a deep affirmation of life, and when we use it in a living space, we're making that statement. However, keep in mind it can be over-powering. Red can agitate and is often associated with danger. Red means “Stop.” Brake lights are Red. Fire equipment is painted Red. If a business is in the “Red,” it's losing money.

Nonetheless, Red ignites activity and intention. Play with a little Red this month, and see where you can add some of it into your personal space. Place a beautiful Red pillow on a chair. Can you cover a lamp or light bulb with a red mask to change the color of the light? And, as you do this, keep in mind your intentions for 2012. This will help you anchor them in your thoughts.
Here are some January observations for you,
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