Franca Giuliani - Based on 9 Star Ki astrology, the month of September in general will tend to be a quieter month … just in time to regroup and get back to the basics.
It’s a good idea to add a water feature or some item or painting that represents water in the North section of your home, and leave it there until the beginning of October.
"Out on the Water" / Painting by Elizabeth Robinette Tyndall
This is also a time when interested people tend to seek a consultation by a feng shui practitioner. A consultation can really help one get ready for 2012, since your current environment can be assessed and recommendations can be offered to help you better prosper in this upcoming year - or at least save you from some unnecessary angst.
If you're seeking a practitioner, here are some things to keep in mind:
- Find out what school of feng shui they follow, as there are many different ones with different approaches. One is not better than the other; however, there could be discrepancies in opinions, so it's just good to know what school the recommendations were based on.
- Ask if they also energy clear. Any space can benefit from having it cleared before applying feng shui recommendations.
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