Sailor's Valentine

This Design2Share online collectible find is a Sailor's Valentine Picture of Doves and a Heart.
- Made in the 1880s
- Barbados is the country of origin
- Original picture made of shells; shell frame was added later
- Shells, glass, wood construction
- 19 inches tall x 22 inches wide
Happy Valentine's Day! Women native to Barbados and other Caribbean islands would create these shell pictures - called Sailor's Valentines - and sell them as souvenirs. We love the outsider art feel of this piece, with the naive doves, pillars, flowers, and focal-point heart. A lovely size, it would make a good addition to any wall grouping - but we'd put it on an easel and showcase it on a bedroom dresser or nightstand. Put it in the bedroom where these lovebirds will add a touch of island romance.
Visit 1st Dibs for more information on the Sailor's Valentine Picture of Doves and a Heart.

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