Joya Rocker, courtesy Babesta
Summertime for new parents? Just because you’ve become a parent doesn’t mean you have to give up on design, especially when it comes to children’s furniture. Nurseryworks and Babesta offer very stylish furnishings for the family.
When you’re rocking your baby to sleep or just telling him a story, the Joya rocker from Babesta (shown above) is just right for those cuddle times. Its tall back provides perfect support for mom and child. The tailored upholstery and walnut base also complements any contemporary home. The Storytime rocker from Nurseryworks (see below) shows off an even crisper, modern shape – its sleek lines would fit into any stylish living room, not just the nursery. For those parents who have a more traditional décor, the Empire rocker is designed like an American wing chair.
Storytime rocker, courtesy NurseryworksNot to be overlooked, Igloo Play offers the little tykes their own version of the rocker called the Mod Rocker. Made of sustainable woods such as maple or walnut veneer, the Mod Rocker is ergonomically designed to mold into petite bodies and also to allow for storage underneath for storybooks and toys.
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