Holiday Shopping Begins for Home Goods

Irwin Weiner ASID - It's time to start spending money on presents. Traditionally, we've squirreled away gifts for family and loved ones, but these economic times have created some new trends. I'm seeing a lot of paring down on gift giving ... more caps on spending amounts, one gift only, and so on. And there's the big trend of spending money - splurging - on gifts that you buy for yourself.
Skitsch Home Kit Large Bookshelf
Design2Share wants to inspire you with some of our home goods favorites this year, and we're kicking off our Wish List series with home goods from Skitsch. (Click on the photos for more product information.)
Skitsch Cinderella Broke a Leg Bed
MORE FAVORITES: Click here for more of our favorites from this design-worthy purveyor.
Skitsch Villa Julia kids cardboard playhouse
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