Ghost Nest Customizable Cabinet Knobs

Irwin Weiner ASID - We like home goods that are simple, beautiful, well made, and utilitarian. I guess you could say that Ghost Nest makes products that fit those rigid criteria as their customizable cabinet knobs - or "pulls" - are definitely useful, they're durable (as shown in the torture test video below), and simple in their no-nonsense acrylic way. The beauty element comes into the custom image, round or square, that you can have inserted into your own knob or pull. Here are some custom photo knobs, for instance, that look great for a closet or mud room space, perfect for hanging up all the family caps, dog leashes, and coats.
Decorating for the holidays is done in a subtle way, too. Try changing some of your drawer or cabinet pulls or give festive new life to an old chest of drawers by switching out everyday knobs for holiday themed pulls (see top photo).
Check out the Ghost Nest website for pre-made artist knobs - including some cool Halloween and Zombie themed knobs ... but the real fun is having GN customize your image onto the knobs. Try turning your kids and teens loose designing their own knobs!
I can see taking wallpaper fabric or color swatches from wall paint and carrying out patterns and colors into your furniture hardware. Wallpaper fabric knobs against the wallpaper - pattern on pattern - would be ideal for