Meet Deborah Jiang Stein - Author of Even Tough Girls Wear Tutus

Jay Johnson - It's exciting to see an old friend do well, and I'd like to invite all D2S readers in the New York metropolitan area to join "A Conversation with Deborah Jiang Stein" at the Judson Memorial Church (55 Washington Square South, NY, NY 10012) on Sunday, May 6 at 3pm.
Deborah, who lives in Minneapolis, wrote the memoir Even Tough Girls Wear Tutus: Inside the World of a Woman Born in Prison. The name of her memoir says it all, and you'll learn the remarkable story of a woman whose rough start in life drives her to find true purpose even as she struggles to accept and overcome her own past, born in prison to a heroin addicted mother.
Readers of Design2Share come to us for inspiration about home design - but hardly anyone can imagine what starting life in a prison home is like. My friend Deborah Jiang Stein had to "go home" to prison before she truly found inner peace. She's now crossing the country, speaking up for a brighter future for incarcerated women and their children ... the truly forgotten people in our society. You'll love listening to Deborah's story and asking her questions. She's all about resilience and fun (okay, sometimes downright silliness!), taking hold of your life and having the courage to just plow forward. As Deborah says, "Please join me for conversation and a great time - and tutus are optional!" For more information about Deborah and her journey, check out her blog, Mutts Like Me, and her nonprofit venture, The unPrison Project, to serve women in prisons and their underage children. Deborah also blogs for Huffington Post, and you can find her - socially - on Facebook.
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Reader Comments (1)
Jay, What a generous and kind post about this. Thank you! I'm excited to reconnect in NY and fyi, I'm giving a brief sermon the morning of May 6 at Judson, 11 a.m. Would love to see you there, also. You site here is fantastic, too. With gratitude and love! ~Deborah