Free Book Give-Away: Rizzoli Profile on Designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby

British designers, Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, have brought together their diverse and exciting designs into a collector’s book: The Design Work of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby.
The design duo has wide roots in design – Barber studied interior design and Osgerby furniture and industrial design in undergrad. They both finished their graduate work in architecture from the Royal College of Art in London and quickly became immersed in the design of furniture and accessories.
Starting with their first success, the Loop Table (see photo above), Barber and Osgerby recount the origins of their designs and the development from idea to manufactured product. The book traces by theme the inspiration behind each of their successful designs. Included are preliminary sketches, models, and snapshots of works in progress. Many of their furniture and product designs have subsequently been produced by international companies such as Cappellini, Vitra, and Sony.
The Design Work of Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby is published by Rizzoli and will be released on April 19th, 2011.
FREE BOOK GIVE-AWAY: Design2Share is joining forces with Sheffield School in a special pre-release drawing for a free copy of this beautiful, design-rich book. To enter, leave a comment on this post, and tell us in one or two sentences: "My favorite piece of designer furniture is . . . ." - and tell us why you love it so much! The deadline for entries is April 15, 2011.
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