Turn Your Home's Spring Cleaning into MISSION POSSIBLE

Irwin Weiner ASID - When was the last time you did a proper spring clean at home and had a really good clear out? If it's been a long time, then choose a weekend, organize the family, and decide to do it - you have no idea how good it feels!
We asked a British friend to describe her family's spring cleaning mission:
"The biggest challenge in my house was the kitchen. I am embarrassed to say that it has been at least two years since I emptied out every single cupboard and drawer and had a thorough sort out. I am still reaping the benefits weeks later, and cannot help but have a small smug smile when I reach into a cupboard and can actually find what I need without a big rummage. It will be interesting to see how long I can keep this tidiness up for as going off my previous record things may soon start to slip . . .
"By freeing up storage space, as I am no longer the shameful owner of any out-of-date foodstuffs, and I have also created more space on my kitchen worktops. Things which don’t get used everyday and were permanently cluttering up the counter - such as my food processor - have now found happy homes out of sight, and I have more room to prepare meals. The whole experience has left me wishing I had done it sooner, and I have been boring friends and neighbours – and now you! – with the reasons to get on board and join me.
"All this enthusiasm has brought me to the point where I think I am about ready to tackle the dreaded garage. I think the key to this will be hiring a skip and doing my best to fill it: a ruthless approach to hoarding and a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to weeding out the kids' toys. Wish me luck, I really think I am going to need it!"
DESIGN2SHARE TIPS: There are some ugly chores we don't like to tackle, and they regularly visit us each spring. Here are some ways to accomplish those important and often neglected chores.
- Spring cleaning is an important part of an even larger spring home maintenance program to keep your home running in tip-top order. Read our Time to Make Your Spring Home Checklist, an article that will save you time, trouble, and money.
- GREEN Spring Cleaning is a tip-filled article that will give you great eco-friendly ways to get those home cleaning jobs tackled in style!
- Finally, we couldn't stop laughing when we saw this made-for-couples how-to video (don't worry; it's PG rated!) from the funny folks at Howcast, helping us turn spring cleaning into a sexy game. Okaaaaaaay . . .

Reader Comments (1)
Spring cleaning is possible with enough perseverance. People tend to be lazy when the word cleaning has been said that's why nothing happen to them.