My Quick Sylvie Pillow Makeovers

Everyone loves a good house tour. "Snooping" is in our natures, right? We had fun this week visiting Irwin Weiner ASID, Manhattan interior designer, and seeing how he's decorated with four pillows from Sylvie Guieysse, the Brooklyn pillowmaker. "This apartment has been published in the New York Times," commented Irwin, "and one's tendency would be to leave well enough alone and keep things just as they were photographed. But a home is not a museum or a shrine to the past. It should keep changing and evolving. Bringing in Sylvie's pillows added a fresh kick to my living room and bedroom, injecting a fresh color jolt we can all use once in awhile in our interiors."
In the photo above, Irwin is sitting in a great chair. Its leather-inlaid arms and seat are bent wood in an Art Noveau style with intricate spindles, studded all over with antique brass nailheads. Irwin has an antique black-and-maroon paisley shaw from the late 1800s draped over its back, and he popped the chair with Sylvie's acid green, lemon, and cream pillow from her Fairy Tales collection (see photo below).