Scrapbook > Our Man in Uzbekistan (21)
Bukhara, Uzbekistan: Door to hotel.
Holy Learning
Bukhara, Uzbekistan: Inside a medrassa (school for the study of the Qur’an).
Man of Metal
Bukhara, Uzbekistan: Metalsmith in his workshop.
Incredible Design
Bukhara, Uzbekistan: Interior honeycomb/stalactite arch.
Sacred Light
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Juma Mosque.
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Glazed ceramic tiles.
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Glazed ceramic tiles.
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Glazed ceramic tiles.
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Glazed ceramic tiles.
Magnificent Minaret
Khiva, Uzbekistan: the Juma minaret.
Street Scene
Khiva, Uzbekistan: Street and medrassa.
Final Resting Place
Samarkand, Uzbekistan: Tomb of Timur and his sons.
Samarkand, Uzbekistan: Interior of medrassa in the Registan.
Washing Stations
Samarkand, Uzbekistan: Pressed, decorated tin wash stations for sale in a market. These are used in houses and at the entrance of every restaurant for the literal and symbolic washing of hands.