King of Pop, Prince of Interior Design?

Updated on March 12, 2010 by
Irwin Weiner ASID -- Michael Jackson, King of Pop, dead at 50. The headlines are unbelievable, and fans worldwide mourn the passing of a musical genius and astounding entertainer. While the star's personal life was shrouded in mystery and controversy, and only a few painful interviews were given to the press, it's possible for us to piece a better picture of his personality through his choice of furnishings, decorative objects, art, and interior design.
Auction items from the Neverland Ranch give us a glimpse into Michael Jackson's decorating taste:
Billy Baldwin, the famous interior designer, once said something that I think applies well to Michael Jackson: "I don't think anyone has a right to possess anything he doesn't love -- art or anything else." Michael Jackson's prodigious spending appetite certainly seems to have been driven by a passion and love for everything he bought. His eclectic collections of art, fine furniture, museum pieces like the Elephant Man skeleton, folk art, and children's games and toys reflects a complicated personality. We see both elegance and sophistication blending with