7 Romantic, Painterly Home Goods Favorites from Anthropologie
June 7, 2012
Design2Share in Anthropologie, Irwin Weiner, accessories, bedding, chair, color, furniture, home goods
Irwin Weiner ASID - I remember the first time I learned about the Pre-Raphaelite movement, I thought of it as a hippie reaction to the rigidity of Victorian times. Bohemian lifestyles, everything adorned and decorated by hand, exotic flourishes in all art forms, romance and classical stylings, and existence akin to settling down flat on your back in a field of wildflowers and watching the clouds go by. Anthropologie wants to bring back those Pre-Raphaelite days, and they would have you add "painterly" and artistic flourishes to your home, to soften up the rigidity of your decor. We applaud this artistic sensibility, and I've selected 7 of my favorite romantic items from their latest collection. Click on each photo for more information.


Explore the bright, painterly world of Diamond Baratta Design.

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