Walk of Fame Apartment Living in Hollywood
September 1, 2011
Design2Share in California, Irwin Weiner, apartment, architecture, art deco, closet, storage, video
Irwin Weiner ASID - The allure of Old Hollywood royalty beckons us as we invite you on this video tour of the renovated art deco Hudson Apartments of Hollywood, CA. Yes, Charlie Chaplin and other greats really did live here, and we get to take a peek inside. 

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apartment living? We love its convenience - doorman building, lots of nice neighbors, and no upkeep on our part (alright, we have to tidy up after ourselves, but no cutting the grass). The challenge is oftentimes space and how to make the most with the least amount of it, but this video shows a nifty storage solution. Love that rotating closet door with behind-door storage! 

Design2Share, Irwin Weiner, interior design, videos, home decor, home decorating Click here to subscribe to our daily design videos.
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