The Ultimate Folding Chair
August 9, 2011
Design2Share in Flux, Irwin Weiner, chair, contemporary, furniture, storage

Irwin Weiner ASID - In 2009, the Flux Chair was born from the vision of an industrial designer; he and another designer partner gave birth to the company that now produces the most amazing, strong folding chair. But this is not your mother's Samsonite folding chair to be pulled up to a card table! It's a chair unlike what you've seen before. The company's name is synonymous with change, and it also combines "flexible" and "luxury." Clever concept in seating, extremely portable, and flexible for both indoor and outdoor use. Watch the video to see how the Flux Chair assembles - and watch the model jump on the chair (I loved that part). Chairs are available in a variety of colors with optional cushions. 

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