Fall Wine Tours & Parties - Coming Up!
August 31, 2011
Design2Share in cheese, entertaining, outdoor, tour, video, wine, wineries

With Labor Day coming, it's time to be thinking about the upcoming wine season this fall. Summer is a time for outdoor parties, white wines, BBQs, and delicious snacks. But with fall getting closer, wineries are gearing up to harvest their grapes for the fall wine tours, and you should start thinking about planning as well.

To enjoy great wine doesn't mean a vacation to international wineries in France and Italy. Napa Valley, California is one of the most noted wine regions in the United States - but there are many more wine producing regions in the country worth visiting. The Finger Lakes in upstate New York is another distinguished wine region. (And on and on....)

A great way to try new wines and decide what your preferred wine will be is to take wine tours and go to wine festivals. Here are a few tips.

Hosting your own wine tasting party is a great way to try new wines from a region and to spend time with family and friends. Host a theme party by either choosing one type of wine served or by choosing different wines produced by the same winery. Depending on the wines chosen, certain types of cheese and chocolates can be paired for an even greater treat. 

Share any other great ways to enjoy the upcoming wine season with us!

Thanks to guest blogger Megan Gates, who is an active blogger and handles communications on behalf of Elliman.com. She provides written work to the blogosphere pertaining to New York City Real EstateLong Island Rentals, and the latest in architecture, design, and fashion. Follow her on Twitter @ MEGatesDesign.


Design2Share Video Pick: Here's a great basic how-to video from The Cheese Impressario on pairing wine, cheese, and condiments for your next wine tasting party at home.


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